Stefan Kolev - Historian of Economic Thought


Conferences, Workshops and Lectures

July 2024

Discussant at 2nd Workshop “Ordoliberalism: The Next Generation”, University of Freiburg

June 2024

Panel Discussion with FAZ Editor Gerald Braunberger and ESMT President Jörg Rocholl, FAZ European Economic Conference, Berlin

June 2024

Presentation at the Progressive Governance Summit 2024 of Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin

April 2024

Keynote at Symposium “80 Years since ‘The Road to Serfdom'” of Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung Freiburg and Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Vienna

March 2024

Presentation at Conference “Strategic Capability in Multi-Party Coalitions” of Das Progressive Zentrum, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin

November 2023

Presentation and Panel Discussion at the Regional Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Bretton Woods

September 2023

125th General Assembly of the Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft, University of Tübingen

September 2023

Conference in Honor of Viktor J. Vanberg on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, Walter Eucken Institute Freiburg

September 2023

Opening Conference of the Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society “Sources of German Anti-Capitalism – Paths to a New Reconciliation Miracle with the Market Economy”, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin

June 2023

Annual Meeting of Section “History of Economics” of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), Edinburgh

June 2023

NOUS Network Conference “Adam Smith@300”, Edinburgh

April 2023

Liberty Fund Colloquium “Foundations of the Free Society in the Work of Svetozar Pejovich”, Freiburg

March 2023

Classical Liberalism Seminar, Stanford University

February 2023

Workshop in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, George Mason University

January 2023

Tocqueville Lecture Series, Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University Bloomington

January 2023

Spring 2023 PPE Lecture, Wabash College

January 2023

PISM Seminar, Penn Initiative for the Study of Markets, University of Pennsylvania

January 2023

Panelist in the NOUS Wide Beam Discussion “Hayek: A Life, 1899–1992 (University of Chicago Press)”, with Harold James (Princeton University), Bruce Caldwell (Duke University) and Hansjörg Klausinger (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business), NOUS Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy Freiburg

December 2022

Colloquium on Market Institutions & Economic Processes, New York University

November 2022

Discussant to Former Federal President Joachim Gauck, Conference “Liberalism under Pressure – Is the Social Market Economy Still Topical?”, Königsdorf (Tegernsee)

November 2022

Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Fort Lauderdale

October 2022

Presentation and Session Chair at the 75th Anniversary Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Oslo

October 2022

Research Seminar of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University

October 2022

Markets & Society Conference, F. A. Hayek Program, George Mason University

October 2022

Liberty Fund Colloquium “Liberty in Relation to Law and Macroeconomics”, Jekyll Island

July 2022

Lecture Series “The War in Ukraine and Its Consequences”, University of Freiburg

July 2022

Discussant at 1st Workshop “Ordoliberalism: The Next Generation”, University of Freiburg

June 2022

Symposium “Fiscal Policy at a Turning-Point: Fostering Growth and Avoiding Inflationary Impulses”, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin

June 2022

Presentation at the Annual Meeting of Section “History of Economics” of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), University of Jena

May 2022

Hamburg Lecture in Law and Economics, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg

April 2022

CEQLS Lecture Series, M. R. Stefanik Conservative Institute, Bratislava

April 2022

Liberty Fund Colloquium “Carl Menger and Markets in the Free Society”, Las Vegas

April 2022

Liberty Fund Colloquium “The Struggle for Democracy in the Weimar Republic”, Weimar

March 2022

Brown Bag Research Seminar, German Economic Institute (IW) Cologne

December 2021

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, Utrecht University

December 2021

Conference “Carl Menger: A Reappraisal for the 21st Century”, Department of Economics, New York University

October 2021

Fifth International Conference in Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, Sofia University

October 2021

Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, University of National and World Economy Sofia

July 2021

Workshop in the Series “Political Theory of Neoliberalism” with Thomas Biebricher (Copenhagen Business School), Center for Economic Education in Siegen (ZöBiS), University of Siegen

June 2021

Lecture in the Series “Limits to Order: How the Corona Pandemic Challenges the State”, Center for Political Practices and Orders (C2PO) Junior Research Group, University of Erfurt

June 2021

Presentation at the Annual Meeting of Section “History of Economics” of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), University of Frankfurt

May 2021

Brownbag Seminar of the Turkish-German University Istanbul

April 2021

Workshop of the Common Sense Society Netherlands Amsterdam

March 2021

Lecture in the Series “History of Economic Thought” at the Department of Economics, Stanford University

March 2021

Panelist in the NOUS Wide Beam Discussion “The Utility of History of Economic Thought”, with Rüdiger Bachmann (University of Notre Dame) and Jan Schnellenbach (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg), NOUS Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy Freiburg

January 2021

Chair of the NOUS Spotlight Workshop “The Ideological Use and Abuse of Freiburg’s Ordoliberalism”, NOUS Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy Freiburg

November 2020

Panelist at the Europe Roundtable of the 2020 Liberty Forum, Atlas Network

October 2020

Lecture at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond

September 2020

Lecture at the Department of Economics, George Mason University

March 2020

Lecture at the Humboldt-Forum Wirtschaft HUFW, Humboldt University Berlin

February 2020

Lecture at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond

February 2020

Workshop of the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University

February 2020

Workshop in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, George Mason University

February 2020

Colloquium on Market Institutions & Economic Processes, New York University

February 2020

Lecture at the Department of Economics, Roosevelt University Chicago

January 2020

Lunch & Learn Seminar, Eudaimonia Institute, Wake Forest University

January 2020

Special Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

January 2020

The Orderly Economists: Transatlantic Reformulations of Twentieth-Century Political Economy, Duke University

November 2019

Workshop at the Headquarters of Liberty Fund, Indianapolis

November 2019

Seminar at Institute for the Study of Political Economy, Ball State University

November 2019

Colloquium Series of the Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University Bloomington

November 2019

Workshop at the Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University Bloomington

October 2019

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Research Seminar, Arizona State University

June 2019

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, Columbia University

May 2019

Humboldt Symposium “United States of Europe”, Humboldt University Berlin

March 2019

Conference on the History and Future of European Integration, Istituto Bruno Leoni, Turin

November 2018

The Colloque Walter Lippmann – After 80 Years, University of Tübingen

November 2018

Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Washington DC

October 2018

Symposium at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta

October 2018

Lecture at MacEwan University Edmonton

June 2018

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, Loyola University Chicago

June 2018

Lecture at the Department of Business and Economics, Berlin School of Law and Economics

February 2018

Heterodox and Contextual Thinking in Economics, University of Frankfurt

February 2018

Lecture at the CAS Applied Economic History Program, University of Zurich

November 2017

Discussant at the Special Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Stockholm

November 2017

Regional Conference of the European Students for Liberty, University of Jena

October 2017

Bayreuth Dialogues, Philosophy & Economics Program, University of Bayreuth

June 2017

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, University of Toronto

May 2017

Lecture at the School of Economics and Political Science, University of St. Gallen

April 2017

International Order – Political Economy of (Dis-)Integration, Weimar

March 2017

Annual Conference of the European Students for Liberty, Charles University Prague

March 2017

Prague Conference on Political Economy, CEVRO Institute Prague

March 2017

Statistisch-Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, University of Basel

February 2017

Workshop of the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University

February 2017

PPE Society, Political Theory Project, Brown University

February 2017

Tocqueville Lecture Series, Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University Bloomington

January 2017

Annual Conference of the Allied Social Sciences Association and the American Economic Association, Chicago

December 2016

Workshop in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, George Mason University

November 2016

Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Washington DC

November 2016

Workshop of the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University

October 2016

Colloquium on Market Institutions & Economic Processes, New York University

June 2016

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, Duke University

April 2016

Conference on Wilhelm Röpke’s Legacy, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

February 2016

Regional Conference of the European Students for Liberty, Ljubljana

January 2016

Annual Conference of the Allied Social Sciences Association and the American Economic Association, San Francisco

December 2015

Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, Sofia University

November 2015

Regional Conference of the European Students for Liberty, Vienna

June 2015

15th Summer Institute for the History of Economic Thought, University of Richmond

January 2015

Legitimacy of Economic Orders: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Weimar

November 2014

Lecture in Pluralist Economics Ringvorlesung “mehr als nur max.”, University of Potsdam

September 2014

Lecture in FSR Ringvorlesung “History of Economic Thought”, University of Mannheim

March 2014

Annual Conference of the European Students for Liberty, Humboldt University Berlin

September 2013

Conference in Honor of Viktor J. Vanberg on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Walter Eucken Institute Freiburg

March 2013

Limited and Open Access Orders: The Case of Germany, Walter Eucken Institute Freiburg

September 2012

Discussant at the General Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Prague

June 2012

13th Summer Institute for the History of Economic Thought, University of Richmond

December 2011

Perspectives of New Constitutional Economics, Weimar

November 2011

Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Washington DC

June 2011

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, Notre Dame University

June 2011

12th Summer Institute for the History of Economic Thought, University of Richmond

October 2010

New Constitutional Economics and Development Economics, Weimar

October 2010

Colloquium on Market Institutions & Economic Processes, New York University

October 2010

Workshop of the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University

June 2010

Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society, Syracuse University

June 2010

11th Summer Institute for the History of Economic Thought, University of Richmond

October 2009

New Constitutional Economics in the 21st Century, Weimar

August 2009

Regional Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Stockholm

June 2009

10th Summer Institute for the History of Economic Thought, University of Richmond

May 2009

Research Colloquium of the Bulgarian National Bank, Sofia

July 2008

9th Summer Institute for the History of Economic Thought, George Mason University

November 2006

General Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Guatemala City