Caldwell, B., H. Klausinger, S. Kolev (in preparation): Hayek: A Life, Volume 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev (2023): 75 Years Social Market Economy in 7.5 Chaters (in German). Freiburg: Herder.
Kolev, S. (2017): Neoliberal Conceptions of the State in Comparison (in German), 2nd revised and expanded edition. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Kolev, S. (2013): Neoliberal Conceptions of the State in Comparison (in German). Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
Goldschmidt, N., K. Horn, S. Kolev (eds.) (in preparation): Resistance and Postwar Order: Collected Works of Walter Eucken, Volume II.1 (in German). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev, M. Wohlgemuth (eds.) (forthcoming): Social Market Economy: Introductory Texts in Constitutional Economics (in German). Tübingen: UTB Mohr Siebeck.
Horn, K., S. Kolev, J. F. Müller (eds.) (2025): Liberal Responses to Populism. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Kolev, S. (ed.) (2022): Minisymposium “The Orderly Economists: Transatlantic Reformulations of Twentieth-Century Political Economy”, in: History of Political Economy, 54/4, 687–800.
Kolev, S., N. Nenovsky, P. Penchev, H.-M. Trautwein (eds.) (2022): Special Issue “A Selection of Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Society of the History of Economic Thought in Sofia, October 2021”, in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 29/6, 1003–1189.
Grudev, L., S. Kolev (eds.) (2021): Special Issue “The Jahrbuch: The First 150 Years”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 141/4, 273–362.
Kolev, S. (ed.) (2020): Special Issue “Rationalization and Context Intertwined: Max Weber’s Political Economy”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 140/2, 111–228.
Horn, K., S. Kolev, D. M. Levy, S. J. Peart (eds.) (2019): Special Issue “Liberalism in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Colloque Walter Lippmann”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 139/2-4, 177–436.
McAdam, M., S. Kolev, E. Dekker (eds.) (2018): Special Issue “Methods for Understanding Economic Change: Socio-Economics and German Political Economy, 1896–1938”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 138/3-4, 185–369.
Commun, P., S. Kolev (eds.) (2018): Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966): A Liberal Political Economist and Conservative Social Philosopher. Cham: Springer.
Kolev, S., B. Seliger, J. Sepp, R. M. Wrobel (eds.) (2018): Labor Markets Dynamics and Regulations: Between Skilled Worker Shortage and Migration (in German). Berlin: Peter Lang.
Zweynert, J., S. Kolev, N. Goldschmidt (eds.) (2016): New Economics of Order (in German). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Kolev, S. (forthcoming): Governing Dynamics and Superfragility: Liberal Political Economists as Order Guardians, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch.
Aligica, P. D., J. M. Kovacs, S. Kolev (forthcoming): A Neoliberalism That Isn’t: Evolution of Economic Ideas in Post-Communist Eastern Europe as Seen from Three Research Projects, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch.
Kolev, S. (2024): When Liberty Presupposes Order: F. A. Hayek’s Contextual Ordoliberalism, in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 46/2, 288–311.
Kolev, S. (2024): The Debt Brake and the Return of the Normative, in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 104/8, 510–511.
Kolev, S., E. Dekker (2023): Carl Menger’s Smithian Contributions to German Political Economy, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 36/2, 247–269.
Kolev, S., E. A. Köhler (2022): Transatlantic Roads to Mont Pèlerin: “Old Chicago” and Freiburg in a World of Disintegrating Orders, in: History of Political Economy, 54/4, 745–784.
Kolev, S. (2022): Introduction to Minisymposium “The Orderly Economists: Transatlantic Reformulations of Twentieth-Century Political Economy”, in: History of Political Economy, 54/4, 687–688.
Craiutu, A., S. Kolev (2022): Political Thought in Central and Eastern Europe: The Open Society, Its Friends, and Enemies, in: European Journal of Political Theory, 21/4, 808–835.
Enninga, J., S. Kolev (2022): “Not in My Backyard!”: Housing, Resistance and Social Trade-offs (in German), in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 72/51-52, 30–35.
Kolev, S. (2022): Anti-Democratic Revolutionaries or Democratic Reformers? A Review Essay of Janek Wasserman’s “The Marginal Revolutionaries: How Austrian Economists Fought the War of Ideas”, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 35/4, 531–546.
Kolev, S., E. Dekker (2021): Why a Pandemic Needs Social Science, in: Power and Democracy – Rivista internazionale di Politica, Filosofia e Diritto, 2/2, 29–44.
Horn, K., S. Kolev (2021): Foreword to the Translation of Gustav Schmoller’s Reviews of Carl Menger’s “Principles,” “Investigations,” and “Errors”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 141/4, 317–320.
Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev, M. Störring (2020): Max Weber, Contextual Economics, and Schmollers Jahrbuch, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 140/2, 111–122.
Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt, J.-O. Hesse (2020): Debating Liberalism: Walter Eucken, F. A. Hayek and the Early History of the Mont Pèlerin Society, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 33/4, 433–463.
Kolev, S. (2020): Besieged by the Left and the Right: The Order of Liberal Globalism, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 33/4, 521–533.
Horn, K., S. Kolev (2020): Dispute on Method or Dispute on Institutional Context? Foreword to the Translation of Carl Menger’s “Errors of Historicism”, in: Econ Journal Watch, 17/2, 442–457.
Kolev, S. (2020): F. A. Hayek, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, Globalization and Digitalization, in: Cosmos + Taxis, 7/5-6, 42–49.
Kolev, S. (2020): The Legacy of Max Weber and the Early Austrians, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 33/1-2, 33–54.
Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt (2020): Cultural Pessimism as a Provocation: Wilhelm Röpke’s Struggle with Modernity (in German), in: Zeitschrift für Politik, 67/2, 214–234.
Horn, K., S. Kolev, D. M. Levy, S. J. Peart (2019): Liberalism in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Colloque Walter Lippmann, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 139/2-4, 177–188.
Kolev, S. (2019): The Puzzles of a Triumvir: Friedrich von Wieser as Political Economist and Sociologist, in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26/5, 942–972.
Dekker, E., S. Kolev (2019): A View from Europe: Austrian Economics, Civil Society, and PPE, in: Advances in Austrian Economics, 24, 69–79.