Stefan Kolev - Historian of Economic Thought




Caldwell, B., H. Klausinger, S. Kolev (in preparation): Hayek: A Life, Volume 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev (2023): 75 Years Social Market Economy in 7.5 Chaters (in German). Freiburg: Herder.

Kolev, S. (2017): Neoliberal Conceptions of the State in Comparison (in German), 2nd revised and expanded edition. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

  • Reviews in: DER STAAT, 58/1, 141–146.

Kolev, S. (2013): Neoliberal Conceptions of the State in Comparison (in German). Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.

  • Reviews in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 39/2, 288–290; Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu), 17/2, 354–355; History of Economic Ideas, 23/2, 223–225; European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 22/4, 741–742; ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 65, 497–498; Regards sur l’économie allemande, 115, 40; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 9, 2013, 18.


Edited Volumes and Special Issues

Goldschmidt, N., K. Horn, S. Kolev (eds.) (in preparation): Resistance and Postwar Order: Collected Works of Walter Eucken, Volume II.1 (in German). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev, M. Wohlgemuth (eds.) (forthcoming): Social Market Economy: Introductory Texts in Constitutional Economics (in German). Tübingen: UTB Mohr Siebeck.

Kolev, S. (ed.) (2022): Minisymposium “The Orderly Economists: Transatlantic Reformulations of Twentieth-Century Political Economy”, in: History of Political Economy, 54/4, 687–800.

Kolev, S., N. Nenovsky, P. Penchev, H.-M. Trautwein (eds.) (2022): Special Issue “A Selection of Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Society of the History of Economic Thought in Sofia, October 2021”, in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 29/6, 1003–1189.

Grudev, L., S. Kolev (eds.) (2021): Special Issue “The Jahrbuch: The First 150 Years”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 141/4, 273–362.

Kolev, S. (ed.) (2020): Special Issue “Rationalization and Context Intertwined: Max Weber’s Political Economy”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 140/2, 111–228.

Horn, K., S. Kolev, D. M. Levy, S. J. Peart (eds.) (2019): Special Issue “Liberalism in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Colloque Walter Lippmann”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 139/2-4, 177–436.

McAdam, M., S. Kolev, E. Dekker (eds.) (2018): Special Issue “Methods for Understanding Economic Change: Socio-Economics and German Political Economy, 1896–1938”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 138/3-4, 185–369.

  • Reviews in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27/2, 337–339; Svenska Dagbladet, September 20, 2019, 32; Journal of Markets & Morality, 22/1, 235–237; Society, 56/2, 178–181; Neue Zürcher Zeitung, January 10, 2019, 40; ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 65, 496–499; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, July 23, 2018, 18.
  • Book Panel Session with Peter J. Boettke, Bruce J. Caldwell, Nils Goldschmidt and Gerhard Wegner, 2018 Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Washington DC, November 19, 2018.

Kolev, S., B. Seliger, J. Sepp, R. M. Wrobel (eds.) (2018): Labor Markets Dynamics and Regulations: Between Skilled Worker Shortage and Migration (in German). Berlin: Peter Lang.

Zweynert, J., S. Kolev, N. Goldschmidt (eds.) (2016): New Economics of Order (in German). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

  • Reviews in: ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 65, 502–509; STUDIUM – Buchmagazin für Studierende, 100, 22; Fazit – das Wirtschhaftsblog der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, January 6, 2017.

Journal Articles

Kolev, S. (forthcoming): Governing Dynamics and Superfragility: Liberal Political Economists as Order Guardians, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch.

Aligica, P. D., J. M. Kovacs, S. Kolev (forthcoming): A Neoliberalism That Isn’t: Evolution of Economic Ideas in Post-Communist Eastern Europe as Seen from Three Research Projects, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch.

Kolev, S. (2024): When Liberty Presupposes Order: F. A. Hayek’s Contextual Ordoliberalism, in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 46/2, 288–311.

Kolev, S., E. Dekker (2023): Carl Menger’s Smithian Contributions to German Political Economy, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 36/2, 247–269.

Kolev, S., E. A. Köhler (2022): Transatlantic Roads to Mont Pèlerin: “Old Chicago” and Freiburg in a World of Disintegrating Orders, in: History of Political Economy, 54/4, 745–784.

Craiutu, A., S. Kolev (2022): Political Thought in Central and Eastern Europe: The Open Society, Its Friends, and Enemies, in: European Journal of Political Theory, 21/4, 808–835.

Enninga, J., S. Kolev (2022): “Not in My Backyard!”: Housing, Resistance and Social Trade-offs (in German), in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 72/51-52, 30–35.

Kolev, S., E. Dekker (2021): Why a Pandemic Needs Social Science, in: Power and Democracy – Rivista internazionale di Politica, Filosofia e Diritto, 2/2, 29–44.

Horn, K., S. Kolev (2021): Foreword to the Translation of Gustav Schmoller’s Reviews of Carl Menger’s “Principles,” “Investigations,” and “Errors”, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 141/4, 317–320.

Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev, M. Störring (2020): Max Weber, Contextual Economics, and Schmollers Jahrbuch, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 140/2, 111–122.

Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt, J.-O. Hesse (2020): Debating Liberalism: Walter Eucken, F. A. Hayek and the Early History of the Mont Pèlerin Society, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 33/4, 433–463.

Kolev, S. (2020): Besieged by the Left and the Right: The Order of Liberal Globalism, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 33/4, 521–533.

Kolev, S. (2020): F. A. Hayek, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, Globalization and Digitalization, in: Cosmos + Taxis, 7/5-6, 42–49.

Kolev, S. (2020): The Legacy of Max Weber and the Early Austrians, in: Review of Austrian Economics, 33/1-2, 33–54.

Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt (2020): Cultural Pessimism as a Provocation: Wilhelm Röpke’s Struggle with Modernity (in German), in: Zeitschrift für Politik, 67/2, 214–234.

Horn, K., S. Kolev, D. M. Levy, S. J. Peart (2019): Liberalism in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Colloque Walter Lippmann, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 139/2-4, 177–188.

Kolev, S. (2019): The Puzzles of a Triumvir: Friedrich von Wieser as Political Economist and Sociologist, in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26/5, 942–972.

Dekker, E., S. Kolev (2019): A View from Europe: Austrian Economics, Civil Society, and PPE, in: Advances in Austrian Economics, 24, 69–79.

Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt, J. Zweynert (2019): New Economics of Order: On the Topicality of a Contextual Research Program (in German), in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 44/4, 645-660. Reply to the Comment by Björn Frank: 44/4, 667–671.

McAdam, M., S. Kolev, E. Dekker (2018): Methods for Understanding Economic Change: Socio-Economics and German Political Economy, 1896 –1938, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 138/3-4, 185–198.

Kolev, S. (2018): Early Economic Sociology and Contextual Economics: The Weber-Wieser Connection, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 138/1, 1–30.

Kolev, S. (2016): The Refugee Crisis as a Process of Creative Destruction (in German), in: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 63/2, 415–425.

Kolev, S. (2016): Aspects of a New Economics of Order (in German), in: INDES Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft, 16/2, 18–24.

Kolev S., J. Zweynert (2014): Societies as Limited Access Orders: Bulgaria and Romania 7 Years after the EU Accession (in German), in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 94/5, 331–334.

Kolev, S. (2012): Not How Much State, but What Kind of State (in German), in: Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, 2012/1, 48–52.

Kolev, S., J. Zweynert (2012): The Successor States of the USSR – An Analysis 20 Years Later (in German), in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 92/1, 68–70.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Dekker, E., S. Kolev (forthcoming): Hayek, Continental Liberal? Culture, Individualism and Freedom through Order, in: R. Candela (ed.): UFM Companion to F. A. Hayek. Guatemala City: Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

Goldschmidt, N., S. Kolev, M. Wohlgemuth (forthcoming): What Can Social Market Economy Mean Today? (in German), in: N. Goldschmidt, S. Kolev, M. Wohlgemuth (eds.): Soziale Marktwirtschaft: Grundtexte zur Ordnungsökonomik. Tübingen: UTB Mohr Siebeck.

Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt (2022): Alexander Rüstow: The Failure of Economic Liberalism / Vitalpolitik, in: T. Biebricher, P. Nedergaard, W. Bonefeld (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism, 136–149 / 453–460. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kolev, S. (2022): Poison Cabinet or Treasure Trove? Why Each Generation Needs Its Own Neoliberalism (in German), in: R. Fücks, R. Manthe (eds.): Rethinking Liberalism: Liberal Responses to the Challenges of Our Time, 59–64. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

Kolev, S. (2022): A Baltic German among the Prussians of the Balkans: Oskar Anderson and the Sofia Institute of Economic Research (SWIFO) (in German), in: H.-P. Spahn (ed.): Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie Vol. 115/XL, 87–134. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

Kolev, S. (2021): “Large Switzerland” or “Large France”? The Ordoliberals and Early European Integration, in: F. Giavazzi, F. Lefebvre d’Ovidio, A. Mingardi (eds.): The Liberal Heart of Europe: Essays in Memory of Alberto Giovannini, 47–66. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kolev, S. (2020): Ordoliberalism’s Embeddedness in the Neoliberalisms of the 1930s and 1940s, in: M. Dold, T. Krieger (eds.): Ordoliberalism and European Economic Policy: Between Realpolitik and Economic Utopia, 23–38. London: Routledge.

Kolev, S. (2020): Austrian School of Economics / Centrally Planned Economy (in German), in: H. Oberreuter (ed.): Staatslexikon der Görres-Gesellschaft, Vol. 4, 595–598 / Vol. 6, 532–536. Freiburg: Herder.

Kolev, S. (2019): Introduction: Wilhelm Röpke as a Student and Defender of Western Civilization, in: D. J. Hugger (ed.): The Humane Economist: A Wilhelm Röpke Reader, XV–XLII. Grand Rapids: Acton Institute.

Kolev, S., J. Zweynert (2019): Approaches to Transformation in Economics, in: W. Merkel, R. Kallmorgen, H.-J. Wagener (eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, 115–123. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kolev, S. (2018): James Buchanan and the “New Economics of Order” Research Program, in: R. E. Wagner (ed.): James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy, 85–108. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kolev, S. (2018): Böhm, Franz / Eucken, Walter / Ordoliberalism / Röpke, Wilhelm, in: A. Marciano, G. B. Ramello (eds.): Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 137–141 / 786–789 / 1532–1537 / 1822–1826. New York: Springer.

Kolev, S. (2018): Community and Society in the Age of Globalization and Digitalization (in German), in: G. Kubon-Gilke et al. (eds.): Gestalten der Sozialpolitik: Theoretische Grundlegungen und Anwendungsbeispiele, 646–660. Marburg: Metropolis.

Kolev, S. (2018): Paleo- and Neoliberals: Ludwig von Mises and the “Ordo-interventionists”, in: P. Commun, S. Kolev (eds.): Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966). A Liberal Political Economist and Conservative Social Philosopher, 65–90. Cham: Springer.

Commun, P., S. Kolev (2018): Wilhelm Röpke as a Pragmatic Political Economist and Eclectic Social Philosopher: An Introduction, in: P. Commun, S. Kolev (eds.): Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966). A Liberal Political Economist and Conservative Social Philosopher, 1–8. Cham: Springer.

Kolev, S. (2018): Individualism and Demographic Change, in: S. Kolev, B. Seliger, J. Sepp, R. M. Wrobel (eds.): Arbeitsmarktentwicklung und -regulierung: Zwischen Fachkräftemangel und Migration, 67–81. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Kolev, S., J. Zweynert (2016): Friedrich List (1789-1846), in: G. Faccarello, H. D. Kurz (eds.): Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, 167–170. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Zweynert, J., S. Kolev, N. Goldschmidt (2016): New Economics of Order: On the Topicality of a Contextual Research Program (in German), in: J. Zweynert, S. Kolev, N. Goldschmidt (eds.): Neue Ordnungsökonomik, 1–17. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Wohlgemuth, M., S. Kolev (2016): Evolutionary Public Choice und and New Economics of Order (in German), in: J. Zweynert, S. Kolev, N. Goldschmidt (eds.): Neue Ordnungsökonomik, 197–223. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Kolev, S. (2015): Ordoliberalism and the Austrian School, in: P. J. Boettke, C. J. Coyne (eds.): Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics, 419–444. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kolev, S. (2015): Joseph Stiglitz’s “Globalization and its Discontent” (in German), in: K. Horn (ed.): Verlockungen zur Unfreiheit: Eine kritische Bibliothek von 99 Werken der Geistesgeschichte, 363–366. Zurich: NZZ Libro.

Kolev, S. (2015): Heinrich von Stackelberg: Too Much Power Distorts the Market (in German), in: L. Nienhaus (ed.): Die Weltverbesserer: 66 große Denker, die unser Leben verändern, 132–134. Munich: Hanser.

Kolev, S., J. Zweynert (2015): Approaches to Transformation in Economics (in German), in: R. Kallmorgen, W. Merkel, H.-J. Wagener (eds.): Handbuch Transformationsforschung, 151–160. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Köhler, E. A., S. Kolev (2013): The Conjoint Quest for a Liberal Positive Program: “Old Chicago”, Freiburg, and Hayek, in: S. J. Peart, D. M. Levy (eds.): F. A. Hayek and the Modern Economy, 211–228. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kolev, S., J. Zweynert (2011): Liability and Accountability (in German), in: R. H. Hasse, H. Schneider, K. Weigelt (eds.): Lexikon Soziale Marktwirtschaft. Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Kolev, S., T. Straubhaar (2011): International Mobility / Demographic Change (in German), in: R. H. Hasse, H. Schneider, K. Weigelt (eds.): Lexikon Soziale Marktwirtschaft. Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Book Reviews

Kolev, S., D. Nientiedt (2020): Review of Steven G. Medema’s “The Economics Book: From Xenophon to Cryptocurrency”, in: ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 71, 424426.

Kolev, S. (2020): Review of Peter J. Boettke’s “F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy”, in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 42/4, 592–594.

Kolev, S. (2020): Review of Peter J. Boettke’s “F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy”, in: Œconomia – History / Methodology / Philosophy, 10/1, 183–186.  

Kolev, S. (2016): Heinrich von Stackelberg’s “Market Structure and Equilibrium”, in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 38/4, 557–560.

Kolev, S. (2014): Revisiting F. A. Hayek’s “The Constitution of Liberty”, in: EA Magazine of the Institute of Economic Affairs London, 1/2014, 43.

Kolev, S. (2013): Economic Education and Economic Order (Review of Festschrift for Hans Jürgen Schlösser (in German), in: ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 64, 529–537.

Discussion Papers

Gross, F., S. Kolev (2024): Innovation Culture and Innovation Drivers: First Theoretical Building Blocks Towards an Ordoliberal Innovation Framework (in German), LEF Papers on Economy and Society 2-24, Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society.

Kolev, S. (2024): Governing Dynamics and Superfragility: Liberal Political Economists as Order Guardians, LEF Papers on Economy and Society 1-24, Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society.

Kolev, S., K. Horn (2022): Walter Eucken on Competitive Order at the Founding Meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society 1947, Discussion Paper 22/03, Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics, Walter Eucken Institute.

Kolev, S. (2021): A Baltic German among the Prussians of the Balkans: Oskar Anderson and the Sofia Institute of Economic Research (SWIFO) (in German), Research Paper 198, HWWI Hamburg Institute of International Economics.

Kolev, S., E. A. Köhler (2021): Transatlantic Roads to Mont Pèlerin: “Old Chicago” and Freiburg in a World of Disintegrating Orders, Working Paper 309, Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, University of Chicago.

Kolev, S. (2021): When Liberty Presupposes Order: F. A. Hayek’s Learning Ordoliberalism, Discussion Paper 21/02, Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics, Walter Eucken Institute.

Kolev, S. (2019): Antipathy for Heidelberg, Sympathy for Freiburg? Vincent Ostrom on Max Weber, Walter Eucken, and the Compound History of Order, Discussion Paper 19/06, Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics, Walter Eucken Institute.

Kolev, S. (2018): The Abandoned Übervater: Max Weber and the Neoliberals, Working Paper 2018-21, CHOPE Working Paper Series, Duke University.

Kolev, S. (2017): The Weber-Wieser Connection: Early Economic Sociology as an Interpretative Skeleton Key, Working Paper 2017-19, CHOPE Working Paper Series, Duke University.

Kolev, S. (2017): Reincorporating Friedrich von Wieser and the Concept of Power into the Austrian Research Program, Working Paper 2017-06, CHOPE Working Paper Series, Duke University.

Kolev, S. (2017): Individualism and Demographic Change, Discourses in Social Market Economy 2017-04, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau.

Kolev, S. (2016): Ludwig von Mises and the “Ordo-interventionists” – More Than Just Aggression and Contempt?, Working Paper 2016-35, CHOPE Working Paper Series, Duke University.

Kolev, S., N. Goldschmidt, J.-O. Hesse (2014): Walter Eucken’s Role in the Early History of the Mont Pèlerin Society, Discussion Paper 14/02, Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics, Walter Eucken Institute.

Kolev, S. (2014): The Role of Guilds in Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” (in German), 3rd Walter Eucken Workshop Papers, Social Market Economy Competence Center Düsseldorf.

Kolev, S. (2012): Against the Logic of “Après nous le déluge”: Constitutional Economics, Innovations and Sustainability (in German), Discourses in Social Market Economy 2012-04, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau.

Köhler, E. A., S. Kolev (2011): The Conjoint Quest for a Liberal Positive Program: “Old Chicago”, Freiburg and Hayek, Research Paper 109, HWWI Hamburg Institute of International Economics.

Kolev, S. (2010): The Bulgarian Transformation since 1989: Growth without Order? (in German), Discourses in Social Market Economy 2010-12, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau.

Kolev, S. (2010): F. A. Hayek as an Ordo-Liberal, Research Paper 5-11, HWWI Hamburg Institute of International Economics.

Kolev, S. (2009): Power and Social Cohesion as Determinants: On the Role of Government in Economic Policy in the Œuvre of Walter Eucken and Wilhelm Röpke (in German), Research Paper 5-8, HWWI Hamburg Institute of International Economics.

Kolev, S. (2008): Power and Knowledge as Determinants: On the Role of Government in Economic Policy in the Œuvre of Walter Eucken and Friedrich August von Hayek (in German), Research Paper 5-4, HWWI Hamburg Institute of International Economics.